Already present alongside the SERIS teams for the past sixty years, the dog is a valuable ally of the security officer. Together they form an effective duo to undertake monitoring missions.
Belgian Shepherd Dogs, Judith, Néron and Oslo, are among the first to join the teams!
Over the years, SERIS has developed a real expertise in canine security enabling it to propose complementary solutions for the securing of goods and people and dog training monitoring and detection via the SERIS K9 Academy.
More recently, SERIS' canine expertise and the extraordinary olfactory abilities of the dogs have been put to use in an exciting and promising project. SERIS Group, committed to the Curie Institute and became a Patron of the Breast Cancer Screening Research Project, KDOG.
SERIS commits to the KDOG project. Nykios receives the Dog Hero Trophy in December 2017 as part of the project.
Based on the principle of canine odorology, this programme uses a reliable, non-invasive, inexpensive detection method that provides an alternative to first-line mammography. KDOG could therefore help to simplify the diagnosis and extend cancer screening to a wider population.
For more information : www.kdog.fr