What if audacity was the key?
At 17 years old, after studying accounting, Guy TEMPEREAU started his working life. He then met Lucien MEZAN whose company he joined in 1969. The surveillance company had about thirty employees. After having held various positions in the company, he quickly became the administrative and financial manager.
In 1975, in the midst of great difficulties, the company sought a buyer to avoid going into liquidation. Guy TEMPEREAU took a chance on the future and decided to take over the company... and its debts of 1 million francs!
Warned several times by creditors and bankers, he did not give up instead rising to the challenge at the cost of family indebtedness: « Climbing or moving a mountain does not scare me, I'm going for it! I'm 23 years old and I am, without doubt, inexperienced, but I have some ideas and I've decided to try to turn the business around because it seems inconceivable to me to just let it die. I feel a responsibility and a moral commitment towards our staff and our clients. »
In a year and a half, he obtained the first results and managed to save the company, which he then propelled to the top rank of the profession 40 years later.
The daring journey of Guy TEMPEREAU, President of the SERIS Group, is a real source of inspiration and motivation in the company's everyday life. Our collective success depends upon belief, membership, and the mobilisation of the entire staff. Our ability to adapt in the face of change, the expectations of the market and the particularities of our customers requires the dynamism of each of our employees. Audacity, self-transcendence and action are, in fact, strongly encouraged within the company.
Want to try the adventure? Join us!